Warts happen when skin cells grow rapidly beyond normal as they become infected with a human papillomavirus or HPV
Although HPV has been associated with some cancerous cells, the strains that cause genital and cervical warts are generally not linked to cancer at all.
HPV is sexually transmitted and most cases will occur during sexual intercourse. However, warts can also be caused by a weakened immune system, so having any of these conditions may also be associated with an increased risk of getting warts. It's important to note that most people do not get warts from touching other people who have warts, because the virus is spread through the skin.
Since there are many different ways that warts can occur, it's important to know your risk factors and to get them checked by your doctor if you're unsure. These may include: pregnancy, being a smoker, having unprotected sex and having an illness like diabetes. These things are all linked to an increased risk of getting warts, so it's important to get them checked.
There is one vaccine available which provides protection from the strains of HPV which causes genital warts, so it is possible to avoid getting them. However, as soon as you contract the virus it is very hard to prevent getting them. As long as you have an open sore, you are at risk for developing warts.
For those who have contracted them, warts appear in different ways and are different sizes. They may appear as flat areas on the surface of the skin, or they can grow larger and spread into a wart-like condition. It's possible to see the small red bumps on the skin, but you need to look closer to find the true problem and treat it correctly.
Warts may vary in shape from being flat, irregular shapes to small pink bumps, but they all grow on the same place. If you see anything unusual on your skin, visit a doctor and get diagnosed to make sure that it's not a wart.
If you've been diagnosed with an HPV infection, you might start seeing white or grayish lumps in your genital area. These are called genital warts and there are several ways to treat them.
Some over the counter remedies like salicylic acid can be used as well as prescription drugs like erythromycin and pessary
These are taken orally for several weeks or months before they begin to shrink or disappear. They are very effective against small warts, however, they can have severe side effects in people with chronic illnesses, so talk to your doctor before using them.
Another natural method of dealing with warts is to use essential oils. Tea tree oil is often used by some individuals to help alleviate some of their symptoms, although others will mix it with other ingredients to create their own unique blend. It may also be applied directly to the wart to help heal it, although this can take longer than applying it topically.
There are many alternative medicines that you can make at home, although you should consult your doctor before trying any home remedies. Some people are allergic to certain ingredients, so always check with your doctor first before trying something new.
There are also several things you can do at home, such as scraping the wart off or boiling the wort in milk and drinking it. However, there is no scientific evidence that suggests this is an effective treatment.
When trying to get rid of warts, you should also consider using creams or lotions on the wart to kill the bacteria and other microorganisms. You can also use a natural remedy called boric acid, which kills the bacteria and fungus responsible for causing warts.
If none of these home remedies work, you should see your doctor to make sure that your condition is something else and discuss whether you should see a doctor for surgery. Surgery may be your last resort. For those who have serious medical conditions, it may be impossible to clear up completely.